IDG News Service
- May 5, 2016 4:00 AM
The Internet of Things is growing so fast, it’s an obvious place
to look for career growth.
IoT is already a reality at 29 percent of enterprises, according
to a Gartner survey taken late last year. Fourteen percent said they would
implement it this year, and 64 percent said they plan to use some form of IoT
Yet, like a lot of IoT technology, jobs in this vast field are
still evolving out of what's been in place for years. Instead of aiming for a
whole new job, the best strategy may be to add some skills to the ones you
already have.
IOT di gambarkan suatu yg terhubung dg global network, atau spt manusia menggunakan service internet bukan hanya komputer saja, tetapi makanan, supply kebutuhan2 bahkan melayaninya dg mesin kasir yg canggih. hingga pemesanan barang terhubung ke supermarket terdekat hanya memencet tombol atau kulkas akan membaca apa yg habs minuman nya. apakah sayur buah atau ice rock. dan juga mobil dg alat sentuh atau mendengar sensor mobil lain, terhindar tabrakan. nah semua nya masih ada dan luas, maka nya di sebut IOT.